The 1960s communes were social networks without screens or swipes. Togetherness was key, man! People lived, laughed, and wore each other's tie-dyed shirts.
Before vampires sparkled, ‘Dark Shadows’ riveted viewers. Brooding vampires, confusing witches, and plot twists that could turn a werewolf vegetarian filled this show.
Every kid's first kitchen experience was the Easy-Bake Oven with a lightbulb! In 1963, these tiny ovens could bake anything cookie-sized and without fire.
While the Vietnam War sparked outrage, the ‘Flower Power’ movement brought peace, love, and daisies to the forefront of many people’s minds.
In 1964, the go-go boot became popular, and every woman had a pair for dancing. These knee-high wonders let you dance all night without pancake-sized blisters.
Lava lamps were a mesmerizing blur of color and light, like the 1960s in a bottle. After their 1963 invention, they were a hippie staple.
The 1960s Hoover Dial-A-Matic cleaned dirt, dust, and crumbs. This modern marvel could do a shag carpet justice in the coolest way.